Thursday, March 02, 2006

You have GOT to be shitting me, Ralph Redfoot....

(Explaination of title: One of my outfits in 'Nam had a full-blooded Cherokee (I think, don't quote me on his ancestry) CW4 in charge of the helo maintenance section. He had a way of presenting problems to the Old Man that had the OM often shouting this phrase to the glee of all in earshot. CW4 Redfoot was an outstanding leader - he fought for and stood up for his troops against the devils of Hell AKA the IG and CID if they were in the right - and led the lynching parties if they were in the wrong. RIP, Chief Warrant Redfoot....)

Did you see what that complete waste of oxygen Ray "Willie Wanker" Nagin did? The damn fool dressed as a 4-freakin'-star-general and rode a horse in a Today Show appearance and Mardi Gras parade. EXCUSE ME?? I've known PFCs with more leadership that THAT natty assed brokeback sheepboy has shown. Chocolate city... They got the best city government they could buy.
Damn, that knots my 'nads. I b'lieve that wearing a uniform you are not authorized is a criminal offense. LtGen Russel Honore oughta bitchslap that stuck-on-stupid azzole. Hat-tip and thanks-for-elevating-my-blood-pressure to Blackfive.

Not quite enough to have me screaming in the backyard (if I were home) - but close....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know Ralph Redfoot and he is alive and well!! He is a good man.