Thursday, December 28, 2006

It's Always Someting....

As Roseanne Roseannadanna used to say. The Boss's abdominal pains did NOT go away with medication, so we returned to the ER last night. After more x-rays and a CAT scan, the new winner is not diverticulitis or a urinary tract infection but kidney stones. They kept her there overnight for observation, so I still don't have a real feel for this. When I know, I'll spread the word....

UPDATE: The lovely and talented Mrs. underwent surgery to remove one of two stones. It was small enough that ordinarily they wouldn't futz with it, but it blocked the urinary duct and an infection was growing behind it. A stent was put in and now all is well; albeit sore. She was complaining about the hospital bed until she remembered I'd spent 4 months in one or another. Sort of a role reversal for us - I bitched about the traffic to and from the hospital. Hope this was our last adventure for a while....

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