Thursday, February 01, 2007

Got a question....

Life in 21st century America seems to be one anomaly after another. CAIR whines about not being able to hide behind a hijab on an ID photo, otherwise rational folks refuse to see illegal immigration as a problem, GWB prepares to give away our SS money (though that may be a plot to partially privatize the system). Like: the Warmies claim we're-all-gonna-die-due-to-human-caused climate change. They don't understand the 11 year sunspot cycle or Maunder minimum but they are damn sure that backyard barbies are killing polar bears. Belief sans proof.. All proof points away from their cause.
At the same time, they are unwilling/unable to appreciate the FACT that tax cuts produce increased tax revenues, despite the preponderance of evidence. Don't want to upset their airy fairy worldview. Need to be disciplined..... God help us, every one.....


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