Sunday, May 13, 2007

2 Early Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to the women in the world who have the toughest job and do it with the least expectation of reward - particularly to my lovely wife and her mother. The Usual Suspects at my Post had a Mother's Day brunch yesterday and I was able to get both of them there for a fine spread. Then we went out to dinner last night capped by a fire in the brass pit on the patio. A good time was had by all including the krazy kanines.
Speaking of muthas, read this editorial from the NY Post. Rather succinct and spookily reminiscent of a certain Dem Cong past candidate, who never met an idea he didn't support from both sides...
Speaking of Dem Cong *spit*, howza bout their latest and greatest gun confiscation scheme? Taking a page from the Motherland's treatment of dissidents, they want to forbid firearm purchase or possession by "appropriately suspected terrorists". What the hell does that mean? Sounds like the definition of hate crime aka "thought crime" as defined by Orwell. Seems to me that we should acquiesce to Dem Cong's admiration of Fwench kullcha and pay heed to the words of the Corsican - hang a couple of these brain-dead-ego-puffed twits "pour encourager les autres". Note for the synapse-challenged crowd: I am NOT advocating the wholesale slaughter of the poor deluded oxygen thieves that make up the nutroots and leadership (heeheeheehee) of the Democrat Party. But I'd make the popcorn....

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