Sunday, August 05, 2007

Usual Sunday Ca-ca

Added a couple new links to the right sidebar today. These are my minimalist daily reads (except the 604th) - hell, the only link I don't access every day from here is Chris Muir's DBD and that's because it's set as my homepage. And I am fully cognizant that Ambo is in Leezy-anna, but he reminds me of some texans I have known so unless he belly-aches about it, he'll be listed as the "Red Light Texan". My blog, my BS.
Went on what was billed as a "booze cruise" last night courtesy of the most successful capitalist I know. Known this character for over a quarter century. It was like a giant freakin' family reunion.... Saw folks I hadn't seen in bloody YEARS. Wound up setting up a "playdate" between my black pug and a friends French bulldog. A good time was had by all even if the l-and-t wife and I stayed up WA-AA-AY past our bedtime. Dogs were cheesed off we were out that late.... Friends, family, and experiences are all we've got in the final analysis, so revel in them every chance you have.
The Rifleman has an absolutely exquisite weekend woman today. Have your nitro pills with you when you access his photo essay...
Can anybody tell me how/when Tam became unemployed? I must have missed it in her blog...
If you're in the mood for a giggle, check this or this out. H/T to Military Motivator.
The Tribe STILL sucks. Wait'll next decade. Then we won't have any pitching...
Condon (the Eskimo's agent) sucks more than the Tribe... Be careful crossin' the street Brady, y'all ain't signed yet. Gettin' hit by a bus now would end the unstarted career...

Be good to each other and have a day to remember. That is all.

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