Sunday, September 23, 2007

Even More Sunday Schtuff

Gleefully snatched from Matt G.: Google search. *Snerk*

Anybody else care about the Raiders/Browns game? Thought not....

I was thinkin' about the open border problem in my "down-time". No matter how attractive a wall on the Mexican border seems, it isn't the answer by a long shot. The sole way to ameliorate the problem is at the "root causes" (as the lib-ruls are so fond of saying). Remove the economic returns from illegal immigration and the problem solves itself. This means landing on the employers of illegals like a million-pound shit-hammer AND the unions which have illegals as members. A graduated system of fines culminating in a loss of licences to operate in the state/country for the companies and a three-strikes-and-you-open-your-financial-records for the unions ought to go a long way to slowing down and reversing the problem.
"Hey, ya old fart", I hear you cry, "this won't do anything about the gangbangers and terrorists who are using the Rio Grande as an entrance highway to the States." True - not directly. But it will remove a lot of the oceans of population that the guerrillas swim in, to paraphrase Chairman Mao badly. Paying $0.20 more per head of lettuce strikes me as a very small price to pay.
"But what about the Law of Unintended Consequences?" I hear you cry (noisy-assed bunch, aintcha?) Like any other government program, we'll deal with that as the problems appear. Can't be worse than the present situation...

Fred has stated his position on the 2nd Amendment. HOO-AH!

Reading: One Jump Ahead, Pandora's Legion, and D-Day June 6, 1944. SF, technomilitary and history. Variety is...
LOL Cthulhu?? Even he haz cheezburger.... (Thanks, Tam.)
Thanks be to Cthulhu Rodge lied/misled us. He is back in his glory - if, indeed, he ever left....

Well, the L&T wants me to help her start cleanin' out the attic 'n haulin' stuff to Goodwill. Be good to each other while I'm gone.

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