Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas

Got a good laugh yesterday. I'm reading Mark Steyn's "America Alone" (read it if only for the demographic reasoning) yesterday while awaiting the lovely and talented wife to come out of the doctor's office. (She went "skywalking" at the West Side Market Friday and klonked her melon rather hard but she's OK). A woman seated in the waiting room asked "Is that "America Alone"?" "Yes, ma'am" "My husband read that and now he's insisting all of our kids read it." "Your husband is a very wise man, ma'am. Merry Christmas."
Kind of a general warm fuzzy that the conservative spark hasn't gone out in the reality I inhabit...

Still laughing about the Sharon Jasper kerfluffle. "I might be poor but I don't like to live poor. I thank God for a place to live, but it's pitiful what people give you." This from a woman who:

A. Has lived in public housing on the dole since she was 6 months old - about 57 1/2 years; and

B. Has a 60" TV among other toys.

The video of her getting in the face of that poor guy behind her is absolutely priceless. A clear glimpse into the mind-set of the "poor". Or at least the "mentally-convinced-the-world-owes-a-living-to-me." Ask any vet what real poverty is - we've seen it in third-world hellholes from Korea to Afghanistan with side trips to the RVN and Iraq. Ms Jasper's eyes would be bulging completely outside her skull-full-of-gimme if she saw (and smelled) real poverty. I saw some of the rat-traps that she wants to renovate when I was in N'awlins after Katrina and they aren't worth the powder to blow 'em to hell - even if you stripped the asbestos out of them first. I wouldn't raise cats in those places, much less dogs or hoo-mans.
But I might make an exception in Ms Jasper's case...

Huckaboob has managed to shoot himself in the foot-n-leg real thoroughly. Claiming a free pass from Jesus is something not even Shrillary had balls enough to do. The shot at Limbaugh was also priceless. I think Rush is 35% truth, 30% self-puffery, and 35% schtick. YMMV. But compared to Jim Rome (my other AM choice) or any of the Air(head) America hosts, he is as far beyond their planetary orbits as Neptune re: the asteroids.

Livey is having a hella time at Lake Tomahawk. Her boyfriend sounds like a "Buzz".

Tam, we are in bloody awe of the GOP throwdown asskickin' you delivered - another pithy piece chock full o' quoties by the mistress of S&W....... And if you have any questions about where she be comin' from, I think I can suggest here. At least, it inspires me....

Well, we're in Browns' Time. Son is home, wings are hot - the only thing is they're losing.... Cooking some Bambi chili for meself and select buds - and listening/watching the game. Be nice to each other while I'm gone.....

And Merry Christmas! Bless y'all.

UPDATE: Browns Blow It - News hurts......

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