Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hopey's Rope-As-Dope

When not offering obeisance to heads of other states, Hopey has instructed his Legal Buttmunch-in-Chief (Eric-the-Commie) to violate common sense and see if he can cause another terrorist act in the Wormy Apple:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The accused mastermind of the September 11 attacks and four co-conspirators will be sent to New York for trial in a court near the site of the World Trade Center, the Obama administration said on Friday, as it took a step toward closing the Guantanamo Bay prison.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and the others had been facing military commission trials at the U.S. naval base in Cuba, but U.S. President Barack Obama has pledged to close the prison.

Ed's take on it make a helluva lot of sense, too:

Makes NYC a prime target for terrorists
Gives the terrorists a public platform for their message
Jeopardizes American counter-terrorist operations
Compromises sources, methods and security measures
Generates a public spectacle
Creates the very real possibility of a hung jury as some guilt-riddled American apologist digs in with a not-guilty vote
Damages American prestige worldwide
Elevates terrorism to a simple criminal act rather than an act of war
Provides Constitutional protections to a non-citizen acting against the nation in a global conspiracy from outside the country, in other words someone who doesn't possess those protections.
RTWT. As he closes his rant: "Increasingly I am coming to believe that the administration sits around a table and brain-storms for "what's the stupidest thing we can do today?"".

It seems that the present tinpot regime is working ever harder to destroy 233 years of sanity in our republic and replace it with flaming idiocy. No doubt if a "man-caused disaster" occurs during the trials, it will be blamed on the VRWC so beloved by the ignorant fascists that make up the present hell-in-a-handbasket-bound troika (Hopey, SanFraNan, and Harry Rectum) ruling class. (Sorry, forgot to add the Lame Stream Fellators to the group.) I'm starting to think that those who claim Hopey's Kids are trying to irreparably destroy this country prior to 2012 are dead on the money.
Now Illegal Alien Amnesty is starting to chug down the tracks again while Crap-and-Slave is lined up right behind the Generational Theft Act of 2010.

Will no one rid us of this turbulent statist before the harm caused by him and his minions necessitate removal of the entire system? Or is it already too late?

Cassandra, signing off.

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