Tuesday, December 07, 2010

A Day that Will Live Forever in Infamy

Sixty-nine years ago today the Empire of Japan started to tread the path that lead to the deck of the USS Missouri. A generation of young Americans came of age on that Sunday, swiftly and brutally. I have been privileged to know four of the survivors of that attack prior to their passing. They were not gods or superheroes, but men who had to step up and do the right thing for themselves and America.
Unlike the recently-elected House majority, whose leadership is merrily giving the lib-ruls what Obama wants while ignoring the expressed will of the electorate. Betrayal is in the fetid air of the congressional swamp.
Look upon the ruins of our once-mighty nation and weep bitter tears. Then pray for our grandchildren, for the actions of America's political masters today are destroying their tomorrows.

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