Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Same Old Observations....

I see no possible positive outcome to the election of 2012. I may be - and I dearly hope - that I am correct in thinking that there is a future for America. But it seems that one of the one of the Fascist-type political parties (yes, either Democrat or Republican parties) are going to win and drive the American economy further into Grecian oblijvion.
As I have said in the past, any and all of us who wish to alter the economic course of this country now should vote against the incumbents of either "party" and hold the newly-elected buttonheads to a very parsimonious budget.
I will admit that I am depending on Social Security plus what I saved on my own to survive. I SHOULD take a hit to preserve America as should all of the boomers. And so should all of us to protect our country. But only if you are a patriot....
Will this happen? Not with 48% of the "electorate" on the government not paying any "support" to the gov - and about the same percentage getting more cash from the gov than is received. Votes are bought, paid for and ephemeral (see ACORN's vote registration and associted fraud investigations). Too many are fans of bread-and-circuses - not to mention WIC, EBT and unemployment payments. And everyone of these bozos - living and dead - votes Progressive.

Glad I'm old....

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