Friday, March 11, 2016

By God, I'm In Favor Of It

I see that the AG Lynch has asked the FBI to investigate climate change "deniers" under RICO.
What a great idea!  Then we can also prosecute the RINOs, Obama, Clinton, Soros, Reid, BLM, Pelosi and Chucky Schumer under RICO for conspiring to destroy America. ( And don't forget Huma Abedin and her boss's activity as SecState...  Might be able to rope in Ketchup Boy for his time as SecState - what a great idea!)
The facts supporting THOSE suits would be much more solid than the airy-fairy anthropogenic climate change case.  Pop the popcorn and warm up C-SPAN!  Life is gonna get REAL interesting.  Or it would if the RINOs had any desire to back up their constituency.
Which won't happen.
The Republicans are the latest edition of the Whigs.  Sucks to be you, Mitch McConnell.  If you DON'T give the people what they want, politely ask the triceratops to move over - because you, too, are extinct.
This country's basis is being dismembered under the Alinsky and Cloward-Piven precepts.  Time to return the favor - make the lib-ruls live up to their statements and proscriptions for this country - looking at YOU AlGore and Penn - and mock their "thinking"..  We'll see...

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