Saturday, April 15, 2023

The Old Man

It is with a heavy heart that I am breaking into my dad's blog today. After a brief fight with lung cancer, my dad has lost. He loved this blog, and sharing his thoughts and feelings with his friends in the virtual world.


Axeanda45 said...

Very sorry for the loss of your father.... I much enjoyed his posts/page. God Bless

Scoutergreg said...

I am also very sorry for your loss, his blog brightened many of my days.
All his readers will miss him.
May God hold you and your family in his hands during this time of trial

Loadedforbear said...

Well damn. My condolences. This was one of my very favorite blogs and he will be missed.

Randy S. said...

My prayers go out to him, and you. He gave us many days of smiles and laughs. You should know he spread joy to perhaps hundreds of thousands. God be with you.

Anonymous said...

Prayers for your family. Your Dad brought me so many smiles.

Paul said...

Sorry to hear he went to the big blogger con in the sky. Or wherever heaven is.

Anonymous said...

We were afraid it was something like that. He has brought smiles to many people, and a few tears now too...

BillyBob in Texas said...

Condolences to you and your family.

Your Dad will be missed. I enjoyed his posts and he brought on many chuckles and out right guffaws with his posts.

He's in a MUCH better place. May he rest in peace.

wirecutter said...

My deepest sympathies.

Highlander said...

He will be missed! GODs Speed

Thomas said...

Damn. May he rest in peace.

les said...

Sorry to hear of your dad's passing. This blog was one of my daily reads.

Eaton Rapids Joe said...

He blessed us with endless humor.

I will miss him.

Thank-you for letting us know.

I will hoist a cold one in his memory tonight.


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss, and thank you for letting us know. This blog has been a favorite for me for a long time. He will be missed here as I am sure he will be in life.

Anonymous said...

My sincere condolences on the loss of your father. I enjoyed his blog very much. I can empathize with you as I lost my wife to cancer. It is a terrible and ugly disease. My father was a Vietnam vet and I lost him to cancer as well.
My best wishes to you and your family.

markshere2 said...

My condolences as well..

Yer Dad did great work.

You should be proud.

Be at peace, he is in a better place.

Cederq said...

Darn! I enjoyed The Old Man and enjoyed trading memes and stealing from each other. He will be missed and my condolences and share your sadness. I too thought something was up like this since he missed a few days of posting.

Cederq, Kevin o ver at

Anonymous said...

My condolences. I enjoyed the blog.

JP in MT said...

Your dad did good work, bring a smile to the unwashed masses.

I am sorry for your loss. He will be missed.

Anonymous said...

My deepest sympathies. He had a wonderful sense of humor that endeared him to many, many folks

Lou Driever

MrLiberty said...

So sorry for your loss. I only recently found the blog and enjoyed it very much. Adding humor to the world is always a great thing to do.

Michael in nowhereland said...

My sincere condolences. His blog was one of my favorite things to read. Prayers for your family.

Bob NC said...

I worried it was something serious. I am very sorry for your loss, and your family's grief.

God will comfort you and bring you through this time of mourning.

Let me add my "ditto" to all the accolades already mentioned above.

Bob in NC

Skipperdaddy said...

I came here everyday. Very sad to hear of his passing. He had a great sense of humor..

Anonymous said...

Very sorry to hear this sad news.

Your Dad was clearly a man of conviction and wisdom.

I greatly appreciated his work.

Texson said...

Thank you so much for this man's work. I hope you all find peace in your hearts.

Lowell Haney said...

I checked in pretty much every week to see his take on things. Go gently good Sir, you will be missed by many.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for your loss.


Anonymous said...

Your father caused many smiles and much laughter, may he be at peace.

Brian H said...

Sorry for your loss. Your dad helped many people around the world to get through some very tough times, he will be greatly missed.

LifeBeginsAt200MPH said...

My genuine condolences. He was one of my favorites for reading everyday for years. R.I.P.

KoB said...

Godspeed, Farewell, and Rest Easy, Good Sir. You will be sorely missed by more folks than you realize. May God's Comfort bring some measure of His Peace to the Family...including his followers.

Leigh said...

God speed, Dad.
Your blog was a daily staple and I much appreciated your efforts.
I offer my saddest condolences to your family.
I hope that they find solace in the days ahead.
Farewell, Good Sir.
You will be missed.

Whitehall, NY

Phil said...

Oh my stars, I am so sorry to hear this!
My sincerest condolences, we used to swap memes back and forth.
Rest In Peace and may God comfort you in your time of loss.

Anonymous said...

Condolences to all

Anonymous said...

Godspeed to your Dad, he was a soul full of light in a time of darkness!

An ode to passing and to new life from an old tune recorded way back when I was a young man follows below:

“And on the day I said good bye
My, my drowning tear catches the light

Like the gift of sight
The baby's eyes

Darkness into light
I can rest my soul in the light
I'm positively, Spring time

The gift of sight
The baby's eyes
Darkness to light

The gift of life
The baby's eyes
Darkness to light

The gift of life
The baby's eyes

Baby’s eyes


Anonymous said...

I started every day with his blog and was concerned when so many days went by without a post. There are plenty of similar blogs, but I especially liked his take on things.
Condolences to his loved ones.

Anonymous said...

So sorry for your loss.
Tom from East Tennessee

Anonymous said...

May your father rest in peace eternal with Jesus. Prayers that Gods hand comforts you and your family in this trying time.

Anonymous said...

My condolences on your families loss. May he join up with brothers in arms and have a cold one. His blog and memes will be missed because they told a story that the media would not tell but with humor.


Firebird said...


neomunitor said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I started every day with his blog. It was a funny, pithy look at the world and I often found myself laughing, biting my tongue, or rolling my eyes - sometimes all three.

He will be sorely missed.

Anonamous said...

So sorry for your loss.

MatrixTransform said...

Your Old Man's blog made me smile every day
May he rest forever smiling himself

WV.Citybilly said...

This blog was a daily read.

My condolences to your family.

Anonymous said...

Missing him already,

rickn8or said...

One of my daily reads.

So very sorry for your loss.

Unknown said...

Condolences to you and yours on the loss of your 'Old Man"....loved and looked forward tohis daily posts...I'm sure he wasa great man and will be sorely missed by his family,friends and his many fans

Unclezip Is Pointing and Laughing said...

A huge loss to the blogging community. My condolences.

Anonymous said...

Sorry for your loss and we selfishly will miss him for this great endeavor of his. Humor is so comforting and this site was an oasis.

clayusmcret said...

Sincere condolences for your loss.

Irish said...

My sincerest condolences for your loss.

hjets said...

That's a shame. Sorry for your loss. One of my favorite blogs.

Devil Tongue said...

I too was concerned about his lack of posting. My condolences as well, God Bless, my he RIP.

9Booger said...

Well shit. Sorry about your (and our) loss

Jay (Scarecrow) said...

I am so sad to hear it. Loved his humor.

Bill B said...

Condolences... your dad will be missed... Fair Winds and Following Seas

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear!
His blog brightened many a dreary day.
Thank you for taking a moment to let all of us know!

Ish Kabbible said...

Your Dad made my days better. Our prayers are with him and his family.

Anonymous said...

Very sorry for the loss of your Father-it's a loss to us all in the conservative community.
Heartfelt condolences to you & yours.


Anonymous said...

Your father will be missed. Prayers for his family. -Rumson

STxAR said...

I prefer to believe he fought cancer to a draw. Your dad made a difference to me. He encouraged me, made me laugh out loud, made me think and reflect. I'm glad I got to see into his soul a little with what he posted.

Thank you for letting me know. I will pray for you and yours... to remember the good and celebrate his life. I'll raise a glass to him at sundown.

Badfish said...

Very sorry for the loss of your father. My prayers go out to you and your family. His blog and humor will be missed.

Jordan said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. Your dad gave joy and laughter to many.

Anonymous said...

My condolences. I always enjoyed visiting here. I pray for comfort for you and your family.

NewVegasBadger said...

My deepest condolences to you and your family for the loss of your father. His blog will be missed, as it was a daily read for me. I am very grateful for the laughs and observations. He often made my day. I give thanks to God for his time among us. I pray that you will find comfort in knowing your dad did make this world a better place and we, his readers are the better for his contributions. I will raise a beer in his honor and memory. RIP.

41mag said...

Very sorry for your loss. I really enjoyed his blog.

Ween said...

So very sad for your loss. Your Dad made me smile, which is much needed in this day and age. God bless.

Anonymous said...

Condolences. I enjoyed his blog.

Anonymous said...

Another daily reader here. Sorry for your loss. He will be missed. I was concerned at the lack of posting. Thanks for letting us know.

Mat Wall said...

My condolences. Been reading for years.

MW, Cairns, Australia.

Anonymous said...

So sad to read this. My condolences. May his soul rest in peace.
Denver, Colorado

Anonymous said...

My Deepest Condolences with the loss of your Father. May he Rest in Peace and may your family be in God's arms during this difficult time.

Anonymous said...

Loved visiting your Dad's blog, always had something I'd share. Wishing you and your family peace.
Alan in Alberta.

Jason said...

My deepest sympathies. This blog has given me many hours of enjoyment.

John Wilder said...

God bless you all. So sorry to hear. Loved coming here.

Grog said...


Unknown said...

Have been viewing your Dads site for just a few years.

Am sorry for your loss.

Regards Noel Gribble / Australia;

Largebill said...

So sorry for your loss. May you all be comforted by memories of better times.

Anonymous said...

I could always count on your dad's blog for a good laugh. I will really miss him.
My condolences.
Phil Manko

General Ripper said...

Your father brought mirth and joy to thousands. My daily patrol will never be the same. God bless your and your family !

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear this, I've enjoyed this blog for a couple of years now.

Steve L.

Anonymous said...

I too have enjoyed your dad’s perspective on life. It’s ok to grieve but make it short. You know he would not want you to live in the shadow of his passing for long.

Celtic Irish said...

Rest in Peace Brother.

Artie said...

Sigh...Another good man down. Condolences on your loss. He will most certainly be missed.

Anonymous said...

RIP, "Dad".
I've enjoyed the memes and cartoons for the past couple of years.
I hope "Dad" can give God a good laugh, He deserves one.

President Elect B Woodman

Anonymous said...

I will miss him and his humor! May he be reunited with all his loved ones, both 2 and 4 legged. Rest in peace Dad and thanks for a job well done.

chuckyman said...

Deepest condolences to you and your family. Your Dad put many laughter lines on many faces. He will be sorely missed.

Whereisthewoodchipper said...

I am so sorry to learn of his passing. One of his gifts to this world was making 1,000's laugh by shining a bright light on the absurdity of our time. While I never met him, I greatly appreciated his dedication to that gift. My deepest condolences to your family.

Anonymous said...

One of the best Blogs ever for lifting the spirits. He will be sorely missed.

Anonymous said...

So sad to hear. Godspeed!

Anonymous said...

He will be missed. God bless you and may he rest in peace.

Wickless Morb said...

I'll miss the usual chuckles I have been enjoying daily clickin' in to DDP ... My condolences to family , friends and fellow bloggers who regularly stopped by ...

patc131 said...

My condolences, I too will miss the humor.

Rafael said...

Descanse en paz.

ThePast said...

You on vacation or something?

Quail said...

I am sorry for your loss. I will miss his fine seection of timely memes.

Anonymous said...

He is missed.. :(
Thoughts and prayers for "Dad" and family

Greybeard said...

Fellow VN Veteran.
Fellow motorcycle rider.
Fellow Constitution lover.
We met and spent the day together at the Air Force Museum pre-Covid. I thoroughly enjoyed his company.
And all our lives are diminished by his loss.
Thank you E for sending me the text.

Survivormann99 said...

I have been checking the block every day, as was my custom. When I saw that the memes were not changing, I just assumed that a vacation explained it. Finally, today, I read the announcement. I was, of course, saddened to read the news.

My condolences to the entire family. I wish him fair winds and following seas.

benerval7 said...

I just now saw this post. I am sorry to hear of his passing. May he rest in peace and may your family take some comfort in knowing he shared a little part of the world with a wide range of people here in America.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry for your loss !!! I loved his posts ( memes ) ... He will be missed by family - friends and his followers !!! My condolences !!!

Anonymous said...



ANDY said...

I just saw this today. My most heartfelt condolences. He will be sorely missed. God bless

Anonymous said...

SO sorry to hear of your loss. Didnt get the time to come here daily but looked forward to the times I did visit. Loved his sense of humor and common sense shown by his choice of what he posted. Has anyone found another site like this for the same type comment?

Anonymous said...

I'm very sorry for your loss. Like many commenters above, I really enjoyed your father's blog and came here often for a word of wisdom or a funny meme. He brightened the lives of thousands of people with it and will be missed.

Firehand said...

Damn. He and his work will be missed