Thursday, August 06, 2009

"They're carrying swastikas and symbols like that"

A partial quote from SanFraNan (a complete asshole) regarding the health care protests at the poor widdle lib-ruls town hall meetings. Seems she claims they are Astroturfing. If she was too damn dumb to recognize the Hopey/ACORN astroturfing during the 2008 election, she probably thinks Formula One and NASCAR use the same tracks on alternate weekends..... BullshitBobby Gibbs is another one beclowning himself on a national stage. Hint: he was not chosen for the job due to a towering intellect, but for his ability to lie straight-faced on his feet in front of cameras. Of course, there are a sufficiency of liberal catamites (yes, I mean you, Washington Post) who are willing - nay, desirous - of pandering to the whims of the McChange administration, going so far as to claim that a satirical poster based on a character played by two white actors is actually racist. Despite the fact that one of the lib-rul house organs (Vanity Fair) did the same thing to the Texan you lusted to hate in 2008 - surely you libs recall that. But with the usual inability to take what the Obamabots love to dish out, much whining has ensued in the halls of Congress and their handmaidens of mass communication. Y'all sure don't seem to inhabit the post-racial world you claimed your Messiah would usher in on January 20, 2009. How are you going to feel after the 2010 elections?

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