Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Buckle up, kiddies

The new, improved Donk Party is ready to rule the world. They have mighty big plans for their first "100 hours" according to Bela Pelosi. Shrillary is already stackin' the valuta for her "Run to Casa Blanca" - and tryin' mightily to look more like a centrist than the bleedin' socialist twit she really is. Now all W has to do is sharpen his veto pen and not compromise on any judicial nominations. Time to hold the "conservative" Donks feet to the fire and make 'em put up or shut up.

Looking forward to Shrillary destroying the Breck Girl. Suffer not a class-action lawyer to live... Trouble is that there isn't one decent conservative (social AND fiscal) on the horizon for what Kim DuToit calls the Stupid Party to run for CIC. We could use another Truman....

Buckle up. It's gonna be a helluva ride.....

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