Thursday, April 26, 2007


What in the name of blue-billy hell is wrong with the "administrators" and "educators" in this country? The lovely and talented Mrs. OM is a veteran (30 years) teacher who is now a principal (at a Cleveland inner-city parochial school) so I understand that SOME of these people are rational and grounded in real life. What am I to think when David J. Skorton, president of freakin' CORNELL UNIVERSITY honors that to-be-damned shooter at VT in the same ceremony that honors the memories of the victims of the shooter's insanity? Am I completely out of touch with any form of reality? Or have the Phelps brigade taken over all of the swamps of academe? Kee-Rist, even the liberals' favorite boogey-man ChimpyhalliburtonShrub didn't crack wise at a traditional humor dinner out of respect for the victims. (Woe unto his ass if he had - he would have been insensitive and hateful as portrayed on the pages/screens of the LSM. And then beaten up some more.) So this esteemed over-degreed-under-intelligent putz honors the loser.....
This bullshit that is droning out of the thug community in Cleveburg is almost as bad. A CCW permit holder sitting on his front porch shot and killed a 15-year-old. The neighbors have broken his windows, trashed his yard and forced Mr Wells from his home. (Did I mention the deceased is black?) A lot of rememberances including teddy bears and maudlin poems have been left at the site of the shooting. (Did I mention that 'Ace" Buford was also black?) (Did I mention that "Ace" was also awaiting trial for armed robbery?)
Knee-jerk reaction from the Pud Dealer calls for stricter gun laws....

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