Saturday, August 15, 2009


$50 billion shortfall by 2020. That's why Hopey's boy Norm Augustine says "No Moon for you!" in the latest Human Space Flight Review report.
This is about 5% of the $1 trillion cash McChange plans to trash to build his socialist medical utopian plan for the little people (who don't seem to want it, if they speak English). But Hopey knows better...
Do not be distracted. Even as he uses human stage props to push the healthcare takeover, the cap-and-trade fiscal blockbuster and the *NEW IMPROVED* Illegal Alien Amnesty bills are creaking their way through the Congress, gathering "moss" (aka home-made pork) that buys each affirmative vote as cheaply as possible.
Meanwhile, AlwaysBackCommunistsNews is hyperventilating and spazzing out in fear that the scawy Wight Wing Hate Gwoups Are Plotting To Kill The Messiah (pbuh) Meanwhile, actual hate groups who actually threaten actual American citizens are scolded and released. Go figure....

I don't know what the future holds, but I do know this. Those of us who have actually worked for a living will weather the approaching hard times much better than the whiners and takers. With any luck, soon the requirement for an entry level position at McDeath will be a law or liberal arts degree. Too many folks are talkin' about "going Galt" to sustain the culture of entitlement that Hopey's disciples have fostered. Let a little bit of Lazarus Long's thoughts into your philosophy...

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