Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hells Yes, You Make Sense...

The Doorkeeper has his fecal matter consolidated in this little piece:
"The Chicago Way: Students are political pawns"
Well, they did it. They bused in CPS students--the original article said 1,200 district buses would be used--to fill Soldier Field. They hired a rapper from Chicago (Ben One--never heard of him) and painted empty chairs to sit at midfield and stand for the 26 "CPS students" who've been killed this year, because as everyone knows, those people were killed by a lack of state funds and state-level gun control. Then they lined up Mayor Daley, Jesse Jackson, and the all the usual suspects (including Arne Duncan, the CPS Superintendent) and let them harangue the captive audience.
Y'all should stand up and get fired up 'bout Hopey's "Chicago ways"... And worry what the McChange education czar (gauleiter) has planned for our children - not just us...

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