Saturday, January 16, 2010

Conduct Unbecoming Indeed

As Col. Peters points out in today's Post, PC is going to damn the American soul and psyche. The Alvin Yorks of today are being led by the Vikdun Quislings of today who are the politically correct civilian leadership. Not to mention the starry-shouldered yes-men who make the field-grades dance to PCs poisonous melody.

This is a military that imposes rules of engagement that protect our enemies and kill our own troops and that court-martials heroic SEALs to appease a terrorist. Ain't many colonels willing to hammer the Army's sole Palestinian-American psychiatrist.
He also points out the sheer lack of testicular capacity of the authors of the cover-up:
Or "Department of Defense force protection policies are not optimized for countering internal threats." Of course not: You can't stop an internal threat you refuse to recognize.

And Ralphie-boy also reminds us that career suicide is not usually an option among the professionals. And right now higher-higher is so risk-averse on the politically correct front that troops are buying the farm needlessly. But if the CIC (usually stands for Commander-in-Chief, but in America 2009 stands for "Christ, I'm Confused") won't grow a pair and correct his viewpoint, don't expect his ducklings* to do so either. God help America.

* - The generals, and colonels that wanna be generals; so named for the interns that follow the surgeon on his rounds in the straight line that is toed by all - or else.


Pawpaw said...

Our Army (I can't speak for the other branches) has long had a policy of move up, or move out. If you don't want to do what it takes to get promoted, then you become fodder for the retirement board.

I knew a few good generals when I was standing in the mud, but most of them were just assholes who were willing to do anything to be promoted.

Greybeard said...

Agreed, PP.
I once wrote a blogpost asking at what rank a good officer began to be a politician.
I got no definitive responses, but my personal feeling is that if they ever intend to see star rank, a LTC had better be watching his P's and Q's in order to put the chickens on his lapel, and from that point on, many decisions will be made with as much consideration to politics as to tactics and strategy.
It got steadily worse during my 22 years of service.
I hope the Ft. Hood massacre rattles the ARMY and the rest of the services enough that they study the issue and make improvements.

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Anonymous said...

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