Friday, October 01, 2010

Somethin' To Make Ya Go "?!?"

Greg over at Espressopundit has an interesting theory about how Big Sis's overweening ambition was a big part of Hopey et al screwing the moose over immigration and what Hank Cisneros is being retired to:
Brewer has all the fame, and the Republicans have all the money. The Republican base is on fire and the Democratic base is on Prozac. Highground is the state's most powerful consulting firm and Zeimba Wade is a footnote. The Democratic bench has been wiped out; the ones who aren't working in DC, simply aren't working. Or when they are working, they are attending Republican fundraisers.

Arizona Democrats invested millions in Janet Napolitano and managed to put her into a position in which she alone propped up the entire Democratic establishment. Then she walked away.

They made the mistake of thinking that it was all about the vision, all about the future, all about the team, but in was all about Janet.
Makes a fairly good case for his assertions but even if true it's just another manifestation of the law of unintended consequences. Check it out and decide for yourself.

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