Sunday, December 05, 2010


Me bloody modem went tits up Saturday night. Went to Best "Bye" and got a replacement. Now when the L&T tries to get online when I'm online she gets an IP conflict. Can anybody give me a hint on how to fix this mess or point me at an answer online? Thanks.


curmudgeon said...

First thing to come to mind is make sure her IP address is automatically assigned.
Look in network settings under IP protocol.

The Old Man said...

Unfortunately, she uses a Mac and I am SO clueless about Macs. ATT&T says it's Netgear's problem and Netgear says they'll sell me tech support for an annual fee. Rock, meet hard place.
I'm also kinda mystified why my PC beats up her Mac and takes the connection if I power up after she's online...
Thanks for the comment.

curmudgeon said...

Hmmm. Google.
You may be able to assign yourself a static IP address different than what it is now, then she can have her own when hers boots.
Picky damn computers. I hate 'em.