Saturday, March 19, 2011

Great Article

The Captain of the USS Clueless occasionally emerges from his anime cave and reveals a still-keen eye for observing the American scene. One of his Hot Air vignettes is spot-on:
As a true man of the left, our president is fundamentally teleological, and this is the explanation for a lot of things about him that people find puzzling. Again and again, Obama makes speeches about how important some thing is, but doesn’t seem to do anything about them. But that’s not puzzling if you realize that to a teleologist, wanting something is doing something.
So go read it and learn what Steven thinks is the reason for the fumbling in the halls of power of DC. And agree or not.

1 comment:

Greybeard said...

S.D.B. is a great thinker. He certainly rubs off on ya if you read him, doesn't he?