Thursday, May 14, 2020

It Seems To Me

Since Chairman Pooh has led the glorious Chinese People to Victory over the running dogs of the misguided Trump followers known as "deplorables" and are now using formerly American media to proclaim that fact, it behooves the deplorables to crawl back to their poor disease-ridden residences and hunker down.  This will, of course, require that the food processors of beef or pork (like Smithfield) be shut down until the surrounding society is declared "safe" by the PTB.
Any food processed elsewhere in the US would, of course, be kept for internal sale to avoid starving the American citizens as some other political systems would when they were in the same circumstances.

And to avoid re-infecting the Chinese people, place our institutions of higher learning under the stricture of remote learning only for the Chinese and all other foreign students for their own protection.

If you have thoughts on this subject, feel free to express them.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like an excellent plan

Eaton Rapids Joe said...

Deplorable truck drivers staying home would bring them to their knees even quicker.

Jess said...

I've wanted to dig a moat around D.C. for a long time. The result would be messy, but the video revenue of the event would pay off the national debt.