Saturday, March 18, 2023




  1. i would believe the man saluting is dedicated to defending the country if he grabbed the guy dedicated to destroying it and snapped his neck.

  2. Anonymous9:10 AM

    The Cleveland Clinic Standardized Bowl movement time allocation? That just opens up a whole can of worms.

    Did the participants know they were being observed/timed? Do people poop different when observe/time? Are we talking mean, median or one standard deviation from the mean and how many data points.

    What next, put a chiller in the seat and set it to freeze? I don't think a spray from the "spray fart" can will work in these circumstances. Try this instead, everybody knows who the king of the porcelain is. Fire them and set an example. Leave the rest of us to s**t in peace.

  3. I just cleaned up my bag situation, I had many more than 56. Now off to clean up all the boxes that I'll never use.

    1. Anonymous10:14 PM

      But what if it’s a really GOOD box?
