Wednesday, December 14, 2005

As I was sayin'......

So here I am - got to pick out 15 folks I think will assume room temperature in calendar year 2006. Not run-of-the-mill stiffs, either, but big enough wheels to merit notice of their passing in the news media. Can't pick folks due for a lethal injection (or hanging - that's still good in 3 states) or do-it-yourself removal. Only have 9 semi-hot subjects, but I've got until New Year's Eve to submit my list. (Any suggestions will be considered.) Dunno if I'll crack the top predictors but I'll give it my best shot. After I submit the list, I'll blog about each pick and give my reasons/explainations.

Oh, WRT the URL.... Never having been one to do anything the easy way, I tend to run counter to the crowd activities.... While several thousand of my cohorts were haulin' ass north to avoid a little thing called the draft, I enlisted in the US Army and did 2 tours in Vietnam. As an ex-sergeant, I naturally have an adversion to being mistaken for an officer.... Over the last 20 some years my son has heard me state "Don't sir me!" more times than he cares to recall...
So he paid me back with the URL...

Remind me sometime to explain why the NY Jets are essential to my son's very existence.......

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