Sunday, December 25, 2005

PC be damned....

Merry Christmas, peeps, and a Happy New Year. Also a shout-out to my daughter whose 25th birthday is today. One thing that really chaps my ass is her whining about being "halfway to 50 years old" when I can barely see 50 in the rear view mirror.... But gettin' old beats the alternative.

And another year without a Michael Moore obituary draws to a close......


Greybeard said...

Came upon you because of a comment you left on Chuck Simmins' blog.

Chu Lai, '68-69. Charley Model Helicopter gunship pilot. RLO.

You don't have to call me sir anymore.....I too work for a living now!

We are kindred spirits in more ways than one. Michael Moore assuming ambient temp would be cause for opening that bottle of Dom Perignon I've been saving for a real special occasion! (By the way, can you share your 15 picks, or is that verboten?)

Seen Bubba Bill lately? He looks terrible! He's lost an incredible amount of weight, and looks the color of driven snow. A candidate?
Interesting to watch.

I'll be poppin' in now and then. Continue to be entertainin', and I may have to add you to my blogroll.

(And you'll need to consider word verification for your comments......I'm surprised you're not already getting a bunch of spam comments!)

Merry Christmas, Old Man!

Greybeard said...

Oh, and ONE MORE THING......

"an aversion to being confused with an officer"?

Can you then please explain what the "O" in "N.C.O." stands for, SIR?

I'll be standing quietly right over here, waiting for your response!
Bartender! Scotch and Water, please!

The Old Man said...

Only Scotsmen and twinkies drink iodine water and are silly enough to get commissioned so they must RESIGN instead of just bailin' out. Even a Wobbly knows the litany - "My parents were married""I work for a living""You obviously have me confused with an Antartic liche"

And (as you forbore from saying) NCO used to stand for "NO CHANCE OUTSIDE". But I can run an el-tee or a daiwee better than majors or most lights... Keepin' them alive has a quality all it's own. Think of your crew chief... He used to LOAN you the bird....

Y'are stayin' on top o' me. 'Preciate it.