Friday, July 03, 2009

Skrewed (Update 7/5/09)

Conservatives got nobody now. I hope the lame stream media are happy that their brownshirt bullyboy tactics removed a conservative voice from the national debate. Well, babies, you want bare-knuckle time, we will accommodate your tiny-souled selves. Very shortly these butt-monkeys will stop having orgasms over MJ and start asking the question "Was she too soft for politics?". Let's ensure that they do not like the answer.

UPDATE 7/5/09 - Dear God, it's no wonder the libs hate Sarah's guts. Look at this pic from Runner's World and compare and contrast to SanFraNan and Shrillary and Janeass and Rosie and BaBa WaWa and - you get the idea:

They also hate her ideas.

1 comment:

Greybeard said...

I had read about this photo at other blogs but had not yet seen it. Wow.
I certainly hope she has an ace up her sleeve and surprises us all. I am beyond tired of self inflicted pain and have hopes she can be the remedy.

(Thanks for the cogent comment at my blog, man. I am also beyond dealing calmly with idiots there.)